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The joy of making local produce available

“I’m just amazed at [how little] some people in our area live off of,” a good friend said to me last night when we were having dinner together. He just finished another day volunteering with an NRV group that offers free tax filing assistance.

Food insecurity in the New River Valley can be sneaky and misleadingly subtle.

Do you know someone in the Blacksburg area who would like to be a member of our farm share but needs help with the payment?

Let them know that we have openings for free and reduced-cost farm shares and currently have Virginia Fresh Match funding for free produce for SNAP EBT beneficiaries.

👉🏽Reach out to learn more and get connected with our local food assistance programs.

Here at Glade Road Growing, we’re into food so let’s talk local food access.

Since we started our farm, we’ve had the joy of combining forces with other community groups to make our produce available to more people.

Here are some of the ways we grow fresh food for families in need in our community:

  • GLEAN Team Foodbank program through St. Mary’s Church
    • In our 7th season now, we work with private donors to purchase local vegetables and distribute at the Interfaith Food Pantry in Blacksburg
  • USDA Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement
    • Also in collaboration with the Glean Team, the YMCA and VT Cooperative Extension, this grant purchases fresh vegetables to distribute at Interfaith Food Pantry and beyond (ending this June)
  • Virginia Fresh Match for SNAP EBT recipients
    • With LEAP in Roanoke, we’re able to double the value of SNAP EBT (food stamps) towards free produce at our farm stand and through our farm share
  • Farm Market Fresh
    • We work with the Montgomery County Department of Social Services to accept vouchers to use on fresh produce at the farm stand for low-income seniors and women, children, and infants (WIC)
  • Give towards a farm share
    • Our in-house food donation program. We invite our customers to give directly towards offering reduced-cost farm shares to those seeking financial assistance. We helped 6 families last year with free and reduced-cost farm shares and look forward to expanding in the future. We haven’t turned anyone down yet for lack of funding.

Lots of federal funding decreases are happening this year with our food donation programs that are outside our control.

Except for our in-house food programs directly sponsored by local individuals, most of our programs are sponsored by USDA funding which is slated to diminish this year.

We can choose to feel grumpy and powerless in this situation.


We can look around at what we can do to support food security for our neighbors and local small farms at the same time.

Do you want to help out financially with this?

Here’s how:

👉🏾Contact us to donate to the Glean Team of St Mary’s Church- Help fund their work supporting local farmers to grow and provide vegetables to be distributed weekly at the Interfaith Food Pantry in Blacksburg.

Are you able to make a large donation to the Glean Team foodbank program (for $1000, $2000, $5000, or more)? Farms like us turn these donations into nutrition-packed produce, freely distributed at the Interfaith Food Pantry. We can help you get set up for a tax-deductible receipt through one of our partner non-profits.

👉🏾You can also Give towards a Farm Share– Our own in-house program where we use the funds to provide low-cost or no-cost farm shares to individuals upon request.

Contact me to learn how to turn your donation into local produce for families in our area.

We’re always building more ways to work collaboratively to make local food available. 

Just as importantly, reach out to me for details on the food assistance we currently have available to you.

Regardless of the situation we’re in, we each have the agency to do what we can.

One of the many benefits of being a small family farm is our ability to directly help those in need with little overhead costs. All the funding we receive goes directly to food production with minimal admin and overhead.

Dollars turn around into leafy kale for a single mom at the Interfaith Food Pantry.

Or a weekly farm share basket of sweet potatoes, fresh eggs, and lettuce for a low-income senior.

There are lots of ways we all feed our community and there are lots of ways you can help too.