2025 Meat Shares



Want to expand your home menu during the winter and try some new dishes? Our meat share provides you with a variety of types of meats and cuts, all raised right here in Blacksburg. Plenty of great recipes provided with each pick up.

*New this year! We have an “all meats” option which includes beef, pork and chicken and a smaller option that includes pork and chicken only.

Each seasonal share includes 4 monthly pick-ups. Each monthly pick up will contain roughly 15-18 pounds of meat for the “all meats” option (or 12-16 pounds for the pork & chicken only option) and be packaged in vacuum-sealed packs that should make it easy to fit in your home freezer.

Our all our animals are raised outdoors on pasture here at Glade Road Growing (pork and poultry) and Hoof Hearted Farm (beef). Our meats do not contain any antibiotics or hormones. Pork and poultry are supplemented with USDA certified organic non-GMO feed. Beef is completely grass-fed, grass-finished. Recipes and cooking tips included with each pick up.

The exact cuts of each meat type will be a selection from the following listed:

Poultry: whole chicken, chicken breast, leg quarters, soup bones, and eggs

Pork: ground pork, loose sausage, sausage links, pork chops, belly strips (uncured bacon), uncured ham roasts, shoulder roasts (picnic/Boston butt),  fat back, ham hocks and/or back bones

Beef: primarily ground beef,  assorted steaks, roasts, and soup bones

Share includes 4 monthly pick ups, available starting the first Tuesday of the month (after-hours pick up also available).

To learn more about our farms please visit our websites…

Glade Road Growing: https://gladeroadgrowing.com/pastured-poultry/

Hoof Hearted Farm: http://www.hoofheartedfarm.com/

Pick up and Payment Options

The share includes 4 monthly pickups. If you are unable to make it to one of the pickups your share will be available after hours.  All pickups will be at Glade Road Growing at 2351 Glade Road in Blacksburg.  Email newsletter sent our prior to each pick up.

Split payments available on request (check or cash preferred). All SNAP EBT meat share payments eligible for free equal value in our produce through Virginia Fresh Match.